Commerce Website Package

This fully-fledged website – a must for clothing and boutique shops – comes with an online shop containing 100 tailored products, and the ability to add unlimited products. You can edit products from within the Wordpress settings, and it comes with a secure online payment system. Also included in this package is a photo session of your business to use on the new website.

Please see the table below for more information about this package...

Features of this Package


High Design Standards

Your new website is designed to our high standards, and to your specifications.

Brand Image

The design of your website greatly impacts they way customers perceive your brand. Building confidence in your brand is a strong focus of this package.


We focus heavily on the way customers might perceive the messages put forth in your website. Its presentation must be tuned correctly to result in the most sales.


Your business should not only capture web searches from local people, but also those around the country. We provide competitive on-page Search Engine Optimisation

Photo Session

This package comes with a free photo session to use for the new website (up to 100 products photos and up to 20 general photos of your business).

Mobile Friendly

All our websites are mobile friendly to capture the exploding mobile market. This helps increase your Google ranking.

Competitor Research

We research competitor websites to determine how yours might compete well.

Wordpress Backend

Wordpress allows you to manage and edit your website content with ease.

Online Shop

This package comes with an easy-to-use online shop where users can purchase products, pay securely with Card or Pay Pal, and create an account. Products are very easy to manage through the Wordpress system, and shipping costs can be supplied to the customer automatically.

Business Submission to Google and True Local

To further expose your website to potential customers, we will submit your business to Google Maps, Google Local Places, and True Local.

10 Page Designs

Due to the content of some websites, different page designs are needed throughout the website. (For example, the home page is often styled differently to the contact page.) This package comes with up to 10 different page designs, if needed.

Unlimited Pages

You can create unlimited pages, but we will provide up to 50 of those for you.

100 Free Email Address

This package comes with the option of up to 100 email addresses.

Social Media Integration

Widgets and links to your social media accounts can be included in your new website. If you wish to overhaul your social media accounts, please see our Marketing package.

Google Analytics Installation

We can install Google Analytics on your website, which allows you to analyse web traffic. For a monthly fee, we can also provide you with traffic reports.

Do You Need a Great Website?

Click here to find out why it’s very important to capture business on the Internet