Writer Website Package

Blogging has exploded with the popularity of the Internet. To accomodate this, we have a package targeted towards writers, bloggers, and news websites. The Writer Package allows you to write quick drafts, and publish your stories on the web. The Wordpress backend makes it very easy to log in and manage all your articles.

Please see the table below for more information about this package...

Features of this Package


High Design Standards

Your new website is designed to our high standards, and to your specifications.

Brand Image

The design of your website greatly impacts they way your readers perceive your brand. A strong brand increases their confidence in what you provide.


We focus heavily on the way customers might perceive the messages put forth in your website. Its presentation must be tuned correctly to result in the most readers.


A blog or news website must capture web searches to be successful. We provide competitive on-page Search Engine Optimisation

Photo Session

This package comes with a free photo session to use for your new website (if required, and up to 7 photos).

Mobile Friendly

All our websites are mobile friendly to capture the exploding mobile market. This helps increase your Google ranking.

Competitor Research

We research competitor websites to determine how yours might compete well.


Readers can comment below your post, which builds up your community and increases exposure.

Subscribe to your Content

Readers may subscribe to your website, and be notified when new stories are published.

Wordpress Backend

Wordpress allows you to manage and edit your website content with ease.

Unlimited Pages

You can create unlimited pages, but we will provide up to 15 of those for you.

100 Free Email Address

This package comes with the option of up to 100 email addresses.

Social Media Integration

Widgets and links to your social media accounts can be included in your new website, including “share” buttons. If you wish to overhaul your social media accounts, please see our Marketing package.

Google Analytics Installation

We can install Google Analytics on your website, which allows you to analyse web traffic. For a monthly fee, we can also provide you with traffic reports.

Do You Need a Great Website?

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